Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend Babysitting

So this weekend I have been babysitting little Raigan Marie since Friday night. She is growing up sooo fast and I couldn't hardly believe how much she had grown just since the last time I had seen her. Its amazing. We've had a good weekend though. Today we went by and visited at my Mamaw Daugherty's house for a lil while and dad came by so Raigan got to see Papaw. We went to Jonnica n Josh's after we left there and let Tinslea n Raigan play for a while while I went through some baby clothes of Tinslea's for Baylee. We got home in time to get Jeremy up and for Raigan's nap time. Yesterday she spent a while at Nanny's house and Jeremy and I went to Farm Boy for lunch and then came home for a little while to get some things caught up and so Mom n Raigan could have their play time. I will be taking her to BG to meet Kristin when she gets up from her nap. I know I'll miss her when she leaves but I am glad for the time that I've had w/ her this wkend. I dont think I get to c her nearly enough. =)
Last week was pretty typical...Nothing exciting going on. I started working out and plan to do that at least 2-3 times a wk for as long as I can. I figure that it wouldn't hurt to try to stay in shape, even if I am pregnant. I know I am going to gain weight but I would like to keep as much of in the belly and off the thighs as I can...LOL.
Hopefully this rain will end VERY soon and some sunshine will be n the near future. I am more than sick of all the mud and the mess that we have here in our yard and drive way. It is now May so April Showers can end ANY DAY NOW!!!!

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