Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My little Angels

Well I haven't quite figured out how I am going to keep this thing interesting considering I dont have any little ones or any on the way. They seem to be the most fun to keep up with but I will try to come up with something. Occasionally I may be able to share some stories about the nieces since they are our babies for now. Until we have children of our own we enjoy the time we get with them. Since I am just starting at this Blog thing I find it only fitting to write a little about all the very special people in my life and today I think I will feature my GIRLS!! Maddy Shea is eleven now and it really doesn't seem like she should be so grown up but she is. I hope that I can always offer her my support and advice as she grows up into a very successful and intelligent young lady. She is sure to do good with her hard head and big mind. What can I say, Shes my Girl!! Then there is Sweet little Raian Marie who will be two in December. She is the one right now that keeps us on our toes. When we get to babysit her, its an adventure and we love it!! I really think she's a bit partial to Aunt Dee Dee and Uncle OVIE but it may just be me. Either way we just adore her of course. Two is that fun age when you just never know what they may do, not to mention she is absolutely ADORABLE!! The youngest and happiest of the three is Miss Addison Baylee who is 6 months old and the happiest baby I have ever seen!! She smiles and laughs constantly. It is very rare to see her throw a fit. She is a little Doll! We haven't gotten to spend as much time with her as we would like but hopefully once Jeremy gets home and life gets back to normal that will all change. I am convinced that being an aunt is the next best thing to being a mommy! When ever I figure out exactly how to post pictures on this thing I will share some pictures of my little angels. Three precious little Girls. Jeremy swears we are going to have the first boy but I guess we will just have to wait and see. I used to say I would just die if I had a boy instead of one of those sweet lil girls but at this point I really wouldn't mind. No matter what, I have 3 great girls that I can shop for and spoil for many yrs to come so I think the family actually needs a Fiesty lil boy to mix things up a bit!! Everyone says its up to me...LOL!!
Hope everyone has had a great day. Mine is about to wrap up, well at work anyways and I am looking forward to tomorrow...Friday on a Wednesday and a 4 day weekend to follow!!

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