Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Little Rough

Okay so this week so far it has been a little rough to get up and get motivated. I have been sooo lazy and even once I make it to work I cant get myself in gear. I am telling you, having time off only ruins you. Of course, its nice but it always Stinks when you have to go back and get back in the groove of things. I had to refresh myself on my daily responsibilities...I had completely gotten off track. Its Wednesday now though and if I can get through today its only 2 more days til the weekend. Isn't it crazy how we spend all week just waiting for the weekend. A guy here at work once said " We wish our lives away 40 hrs at a time" Its so true if you think about it. Sad kinda, but true.

We finally got to have a home cooked meal at home last night. Our kitchen is in Business...Finally!!! Sure we have a few touch ups to do to get everything complete but we have countertops, a sink and a stove that are all functional...YAYYYY!! It was sooo nice to be able to sit down and have a meal at our table for the first time in a while. Once we get all the trim and everything put up I will take pics and post them so everyone can c the finished product and know what I have been rambling about for the last month. LOL. I am very happy with everything and have to thank my wonderful Husband for getting it done. He has put a lot of work and time into that kitchen. We were very lucky that he was able to do all the work but I think he'll be taking a pretty long break before he does too many more big home improvement projects and I cant say I blame him!!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful HUMP day.

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