Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Okay so its been a very crazy week for everyone I know and there has been no time for blogging. I know that I am not the only one who has gotten just a lil bit behind. In times like this has been, there really isn't time (or the capability) for blogging. Our internet and phones got back up and running last night so I just thought real quickly I would write. I completely intend to write a few different blogs on some of my experiences over the last week and what some of my thoughts have been. I do believe that in times like these it definately humbles you and causes you to rethink some things. Right now, however, I am going to go have a bowl of homemade vegetable soup and lounge on the couch since that is what my pregnant self is telling me to do. I have definately gotten a case of the laziness with this hole pregnancy thing but thats okay with me. I dont mind having a good excuse to lay around and do nothing most of the time :).

Most importantly, Jeremy n I are both safe and warm as I hope everyone else is too. He is in Paducah and it was very hard to communicate last week which made for some tough times but now things are getting back up and going so maybe, just maybe soon everyone's lives will be getting back to normal. For the time being just be thankful for what you do have. If you are still without power..Just keep reminding yourself that no matter what, it could always be worse.

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