Okay wow, so its been a while since I wrote last. With the wonderful weather we have been having, on the computer is the last place I have wanted to spend my afernoons so I haven't made it a priority. I have say Happy Bday to my nieces, Madison Shea, who turned 12 on Tuesday, Baylee, who turned one on Wednesday and then to me, who is now the BIG 26!!! Yep, its official, I am past the mid-20's and now headed for the LATE 20's title =)
I have had a great day and really appreciate all that Jeremy did to make my day extra special. We had a cookout tonight and he bought balloons, a cake, a VERY sweet card, the flower I wanted for the porch, and another adorable added touch to the flower w/ a very thoughtful gesture! He is the BEST! We had Bridgette, Jonnica, Josh, Tinslea, Deana Jo, Brandon, Blake, Heather Coleman, Alicia McKinney and Lloyd over tonight for a cookout and HOMEMADE ICECREAM and had a great time. Thanx to everyone who has sent Bday wishes and for those who came over to help me celebrate. It was wonderful to get to visit with everyone!
The baby n I are doing just fine. Well actually we are doing GREAT. I have felt wonderful and haven't had any problems to date. Lil Ava is just as healthy as can be and the Drs say she is growing just like she should be. Everything is right on target and we are very grateful for it all. She is moving around quite abit more now and we love to watch my belly move and feel her kicks and pushes. Its all so amazing and a true Blessing indeed. We r really getting anxious about her arrival and really needing to get things done and QUICKLY!
I have taken off work for tomorrow and am looking forward to a 4 day wkend. Hopefully, we will be able to get a few things done both inside and out here at the house and still enjoy some down time to do whatever. Hope everyone has a safe and great Holiday wkend!!!!! Take care.